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mlib Directory Reference


 Definition of asset class.
 Definition of Base64 encoding/decoding functions.
 Definitions for Unix-like basename() and dirname() functions.
 Declaration of biosuuid() function.
 Definition of bitstream class.
 Small class to represent simple non-intersecting polygons.
 Convex hull algorithm.
 Conversion functions and frequently used constants.
 criticalsection and lock classes
 Definition of dprintf () function.
 Definition of erc and erfac classes.
 event class definition.
 Implementation of http::server and http::connection classes.
 Definition of inaddr class.
 Integer exponentiation function template.
 Definition of JSONBridge class.
 Definition of json::node class.
 syslog related functions.
 Uber-include file for mlib library.
 mutex class definition.
 Definition of NMEA-0183 parsing functions.
 Command line parser class.
 Definition of Point template class.
 Polynomial evaluation using Horner's scheme.
  • Recursive directory functions

 Simple circular (ring) buffer class.
 Definition of a rotation calculator class.
 semaphore class definition
 Functions for enumerating serial ports.
 Shared memory object with support for single-writer multiple-readers.
 C++ wrapper for SQLITE3.
 Definition of statistical parameters calculator class.
 Definition of stopwatch class.
 syncbase class definition.
 Definition of sync_queue and async_queue classes.
 Definition of tcpserver class.
 thread class definition.
 definition of TRACE macro
 Operations on timeval structure.
 Definition of sock and sockstream classes.
 definition of waitable timer class