No Matches


UnitTest++ is an excellent lightweight test framework but it has a number of irritants like:

  • complete lack of comments
  • baroque internal structure with tests, test suites, test lists, test results, test details, test reporters, etc.
  • stylistic issues with 'const madness' like this:
    void RunTest(TestResults* const result, Test* const curTest, int const maxTestTimeInMs) const;
    (an int parameter is always const)
  • the GitHub project seems dormant now.

This rewrite tried to maintain as much as possible the pubic "API" of the original UnitTest++ but on the inside almost everything has been rewritten.


The library allows you to define test cases (called tests) and group those cases in test suites. Test suites are executed and the results are displayed using a reporter.

Included are three reporters:

  • ReporterStream sends results to an output stream. The derived ReporterStdout sends results to stdout.
  • ReporterXml generates results in an XML file with a structure similar to the files created by NUnit.
  • ReporterDbgout writes messages to debug output using OutputDebugString (for Windows platform only)

The function GetDefaultTestReporter() returns an instance of the ReporterStdout object as the default test reporter.

Throughout the execution of a test, one can verify the results and compare them with expected results using CHECK macros (see below).


In its simplest form, a test is defined using the TEST macro similarly with a standard function call:

TEST (MyFirstTest)
// test code goes here

A number of things happen behind the scenes when TEST macro is invoked:

  1. It defines a class called TestMyFirstTest derived from Test class. The new class has a method called RunImpl and the block of code following the TEST macro becomes the body of the RunImpl method.
  2. It creates a small factory function (called MyFirstTest_maker) with the following body:
    Test* MyFirstTest_maker ()
    return new MyFirstTest;
    We are going to call this function the maker function.
  3. A pointer to the maker together with the name of the current test suite and some additional information is used to create a TestSuite::Inserter object (with the name MyFirstTest_inserter). The current test suite has to be established using a macro like in the following example:
    SUITE (LotsOfTests)
    // tests definitions go here
    If no suite has been declared, tests are by default appended to the default suite.
  4. The TestSuite::Inserter constructor appends the newly created object to current test suite.
  5. There is a global SuitesList object that is returned by GetSuitesList() function. This object maintains a container with all currently defined suites.

The main program contains a call to RunAllTests() that triggers the following sequence of events:

  1. One of the parameters to the RunAllTests() function is a TestReporter object, either one explicitly created or a default reporter that sends all results to stdout.
  2. The RunAllTests() function calls SuitesList::RunAll() function.
  3. SuitesList::RunAll() iterates through the list test suites mentioned before and, for each suite calls the TestSuite::RunTests() function.
  4. TestSuite::RunTests() iterates through the list of tests and for each test does the following:
    • Calls maker function to instantiate a new Test-derived object (like TestMyFirstTest).
    • Calls the Test::Run method which in turn calls the TestMyFirstTest::RunImpl. This is actually the test code that was placed after the TEST macro.
    • When the test has finished, the Test-derived object is deleted.

Throughout this process, different methods of the reporter are called at appropriate moments (beginning of test suite, beginning of test, end of test, end of suite, end of run).

Checking Test Results

There are a a number of macro-definitions for testing abnormal conditions while running a test:

CHECK(value) Verifies that value is true (or not 0).

CHECK_EQUAL(expected, actual) Compares two values for equality.

CHECK_CLOSE(expected, actual, tolerance) Checks that two values are closer than specified tolerance.

CHECK_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, count) Compares two arrays for equality.

CHECK_ARRAY_CLOSE(expected, actual, count, tolerance) Checks that two arrays are closer than specified tolerance.

CHECK_ARRAY2D_CLOSE(expected, actual, rows, columns, tolerance) Checks that two matrices are within the specified tolerance.

CHECK_THROW(expression, ExceptionType) Verifies that expression throws an of the given type.

CHECK_THROW_EQUAL(expression, expected, ExceptionType) Verifies that expression throws an of the given type and with the expected value.

CHECK_EQUAL and CHECK_THROW_EQUAL macros use a template function UnitTest::CheckEqual() to compare their arguments. That means they can be used to compare any objects that define a suitable equality operator.

Using Test Suites

Tests can be grouped together in suites like in the following example:

SUITE (BigSuite)
TEST (MyFirstTest)
// test code goes here
TEST (MySecondTest)
//another test case
// ....

The SUITE macro defines in effect a namespace (called SuiteBigSuite) and makes all tests, objects inside the namespace.

It also defines a function GetSuiteName() inside this namespace that returns the name of the current suite. This function is called by the TEST macros to obtain the suite name.


In many (most) cases one needs a certain environment for executing the test and the same environment might be reused in multiple tests. This environment is represented by a 'fixture' class. The constructor of the fixture is responsible for bringing up the environment. Here is an example of some tests with a fixture:

struct Account_fixture {
Account_fixture () : amount_usd(100), amount_eur(0), amount_chf(0) {};
int amount _usd;
int amount_eur;
int amount_chf;
TEST_FIXTURE (Account_fixture, TestExchangeEur)
ExchangeToEur(&amount_usd, &amount_eur);
CHECK_EQUAL (0, amount_usd);
CHECK (amount_eur > 0);
TEST_FIXTURE (Account_fixture, TestExchangeChf)
ExchangeToChf(&amount_usd, &amount_chf);
CHECK_EQUAL (0, amount_usd);
CHECK (amount_chf > 0);

At the beginning of each test, the amounts are initialized by the Account_fixture constructor. Because each test object inherits from the fixture, all members (or methods) of the fixture can be freely accessed during the test.

TEST_FIXTURE macro simply defines an object that inherits from both the fixture and the Test object. Otherwise tests with fixtures are treated same as tests without fixture. When the test is run the maker function invokes the object constructor which in turn invokes the fixture constructor (and the Test constructor).

Global Objects

There are two global object pointers: CurrentTest and CurrentReporter. They need to be global to allow calls to check macros from anywhere. The TestSuite::RunTests function also initializes the CurrentReporter pointer.

In addition, the global string object CurrentSuite contains the name of the currently running suite.

Unfortunately, prior to C++17, global objects cannot be easily used in C++ header-only libraries. To solve this problem, UTPP replaces the main with a macro TEST_MAIN that can be used just like the usual main function. Behind the scenes, TEST_MAIN defines all the required global objects and generates the main function.

If you are using C++17 or higher, you can use the usual main function. In this case TEST_MAIN is defined only for compatibility with previous C++ versions.