No Matches
Assertion Checking Macros
#define CHECK(value)
 Generate a failure if value is 0. Failure message is the value itself.
#define CHECK_EX(value, ...)
 Generate a failure with the given message if value is 0.
#define CHECK_EQUAL(expected, actual)
 Generate a failure if actual value is different from expected.
#define CHECK_NAN(value)
 Generate a failure if value is not NaN.
#define CHECK_EQUAL_EX(expected, actual, ...)
 Generate a failure if actual value is different from expected. The given message is appended to the standard CHECK_EQUAL message.
#define CHECK_CLOSE(expected, actual, ...)
 Generate a failure if actual value differs from expected value with more than tolerance.
#define CHECK_CLOSE_EX(expected, actual, tolerance, ...)
 Generate a failure if actual value differs from expected value with more than given tolerance. The given message is appended to the standard CHECK_CLOSE message.
#define CHECK_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, count)
 Generate a failure if actual array is different from expected one.
#define CHECK_ARRAY_CLOSE(expected, actual, count, ...)
 Generate a failure if actual array elements differs from expected ones with more than given tolerance.
#define CHECK_ARRAY2D_EQUAL(expected, actual, rows, columns)
 Generate a failure if 2D array actual differs from expected values.
#define CHECK_ARRAY2D_CLOSE(expected, actual, rows, columns, ...)
 Generate a failure if 2D array actual differs from expected values with more than given tolerance.
#define CHECK_THROW(expr, except)
 Generate a failure if evaluating the expression does not throw an exception of the expected type.
#define CHECK_THROW_EX(expr, except, ...)
 Generate a failure if evaluating the expression does not throw an exception of the expected type.
#define CHECK_THROW_EQUAL(expression, value, except)
 Checks if evaluating the expression triggers an exception of the given type and with the expected value.
#define CHECK_THROW_EQUAL_EX(expression, value, except, ...)
 Checks if evaluating the expression triggers an exception of the given type and with the expected value.
#define CHECK_FILE_EQUAL(expected, actual)
 Generate a failure if the two files are different.
#define FAILURE(...)
 Generate a failure.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CHECK_THROW ( expr,
except )

Generate a failure if evaluating the expression does not throw an exception of the expected type.

exceptExpected exception type
exprExpression to evaluate


#define CHECK_THROW_EQUAL_EX ( expression,
... )

Checks if evaluating the expression triggers an exception of the given type and with the expected value.

Appends a printf type string to standard failure message.


#define CHECK_THROW_EX ( expr,
... )

Generate a failure if evaluating the expression does not throw an exception of the expected type.

Appends a printf type string to standard failure message.