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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CFailureThe failure object records the file name, the line number and a message
 CReporterAbstract base for all reporters
 CReporterDbgoutA Reporter that sends messages to debug output
 CReporterDeferredA Reporter that keeps a list of test results
 CTestResultTest results including all failure messages
 CReporterStreamA Reporter that sends results directly to an output stream
 CReporterXmlA Reporter that generates XML formatted results similar to NUnit
 CSuitesListA singleton object containing all test suites
 CTestRepresentation of a test case
 Ctest_abortException thrown by ABORT macro
 CInserterConstructor of this objects inserts the test in suite
 CTimeConstraintDefines maximum run time of a test
 CTimerAn object that can be interrogated to get elapsed time