No Matches
Networking Objects

Data Structures

class  mlib::generic_sockstream< strm >
 An IO stream using a sockbuf object as the underlying streambuf. More...
class  mlib::http::connection
 Representation of a HTTP client connection request. More...
class  mlib::http::server
 Small multi-threaded HTTP server. More...
class  mlib::inaddr
 sockaddr wrapper More...
class  mlib::http::JSONBridge
 JSON objects support. More...
class  mlib::tcpserver
 multi-threaded TCP server. More...
class  mlib::sock_facility
 Router for socket errors. More...
class  mlib::sock
 Encapsulation of a Windows socket. More...
class  mlib::sockbuf
 Provide functions required by streambuf interface using an underlying socket. More...
struct  mlib::sock_initializer
 Keeps an instance counter for calls to WSAStartup/WSACleanup.

Detailed Description