No Matches
Angle and Unit Conversion

Functions and constants for angle and unit conversions. More...


#define M_PI   std::numbers::pi
#define NM2M   1852.
 Nautical mile to meters conversion factor.
#define MPS2KNOT   (3600. / NM2M)
 Meters/sec to knots conversion factor.
#define USFOOT2M   (1200. / 3937.)
 US Survey foot to meters conversion factor.


enum  mlib::deg_fmt { mlib::degrees = 0 , mlib::minutes = 1 , mlib::seconds = 2 }
 Formatting options for degtoa() function. More...


constexpr double DEG (double dd)
 Convert decimal degrees to radians.
constexpr double D2rad (double dd)
 Convert decimal degrees to radians.
constexpr double rad2D (double r)
 Convert radians to decimal degrees.
constexpr double DM (double dd, double mm)
 Convert degrees, minutes to radians.
constexpr double DM2deg (double ddmm)
 Convert degrees, minutes (DDMM.mmm) to decimal degrees.
constexpr double deg2DM (double dd)
 Convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes (DDMM.mmm)
constexpr double rad2DM (double rad)
 Convert from radians to degrees, minutes (DDMM.mmm)
constexpr double DM2rad (double val)
 Convert degrees, minutes (DDMM.mmm) to radians.
constexpr double DMS (double dd, double mm, double ss)
 Convert degrees, minutes seconds to radians.
constexpr double DMS2deg (double dms)
 Convert degrees, minutes, seconds (DDMMSS.sss) to decimal degrees.
constexpr double DMS2rad (double dms)
 Convert degrees, minutes, seconds (DDMMSS.sss) to radians.
double mlib::deg_reduce (double value)
 Reduces a degrees value to [0,360) interval.
std::string mlib::degtoa (double degrees, deg_fmt format, bool latitude, int precision)
 Conversion from degrees to a string.
double mlib::atodeg (const std::string &str)
 Conversion from string to decimal degrees.


constexpr double D2R = M_PI / 180.
 Degrees to radians conversion factor.
constexpr double A_WGS84 = 6378137.000
 Semimajor axis of WGS84 ellipsoid.
constexpr double F_WGS84 = 0.003352810664747
 Flattening of WGS84 ellipsoid.
constexpr double F1_WGS84 = 298.257223563
 Inverse of flattening for WGS84 ellipsoid.
constexpr double MAS = M_PI / (180 * 3600000.)
constexpr double operator""_ftUS (long double ftus)
constexpr double operator""_ftUS (unsigned long long ftus)
constexpr double operator""_nmi (long double nmi)
constexpr double operator""_nmi (unsigned long long nmi)
constexpr double operator""_deg (long double deg)
constexpr double operator""_deg (unsigned long long deg)
constexpr double operator""_arcmin (long double min)
constexpr double operator""_arcmin (unsigned long long min)
constexpr double operator""_dm (long double val)
constexpr double operator""_dm (unsigned long long val)
constexpr double operator""_dms (long double val)
constexpr double operator""_dms (unsigned long long val)
constexpr double operator""_arcsec (long double sec)
constexpr double operator""_arcsec (unsigned long long sec)
constexpr double operator""_mas (long double mas)
constexpr double operator""_mas (unsigned long long mas)

Detailed Description

Functions and constants for angle and unit conversions.

These are conversion functions between different angle representations as well as to and from customary latitude/longitude string representations.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ deg_fmt

Formatting options for degtoa() function.


Decimal degrees (DD.dddd°)


Degrees, minutes format (DD°MM.mmmm')


Degrees, minutes, seconds format (DD°MM'SS.sss")

Function Documentation

◆ atodeg()

double mlib::atodeg ( const std::string & str)

Conversion from string to decimal degrees.

strinput string
angle value in degrees

Some valid strings are:

  • 130°45'25.34566W
  • 130D45'25.34566E
  • 65D45M25.34567S
  • 130.56789W
  • 85°30.45678N

◆ degtoa()

std::string mlib::degtoa ( double degrees,
deg_fmt format,
bool latitude,
int precision )

Conversion from degrees to a string.

degreesvalue to convert in decimal degrees
formatformatting flags
latitudetrue if value is a latitude value
precisionnumber of decimal places for fractional part

Format is controlled by flags settings and precision. The resulting string can have one of the following formats:

  • DD°MM'SS.sss"H if output format has deg_fmt::sec bit set
  • DD°MM.mmmm'H if output format has LL_MIN bit set
  • DD.dddd°H if neither of these bits is set

In the above formats, H is the hemisphere which can be one of N or S if latitude parameter is true. Otherwise it is one of E or W.

◆ operator""_arcmin() [1/2]

double operator""_arcmin ( long double min)

Minutes literal operator converts a value in arc-minutes to radians

◆ operator""_arcmin() [2/2]

double operator""_arcmin ( unsigned long long min)

Minutes literal operator converts a value in arc-minutes to radians

◆ operator""_arcsec() [1/2]

double operator""_arcsec ( long double sec)

Seconds literal operator converts a value in arc-seconds to radians

◆ operator""_arcsec() [2/2]

double operator""_arcsec ( unsigned long long sec)

Seconds literal operator converts a value in arc-seconds to radians

◆ operator""_deg() [1/2]

double operator""_deg ( long double deg)

Degrees literal operator converts a value in degrees to radians

◆ operator""_deg() [2/2]

double operator""_deg ( unsigned long long deg)

Degrees literal operator converts a value in degrees to radians

◆ operator""_dm() [1/2]

double operator""_dm ( long double val)

Degrees-minutes literal operator converts a value to radians

◆ operator""_dm() [2/2]

double operator""_dm ( unsigned long long val)

Degrees-minutes literal operator converts a value to radians

◆ operator""_dms() [1/2]

double operator""_dms ( long double val)

Degrees-minutes-seconds literal operator converts a value to radians

◆ operator""_dms() [2/2]

double operator""_dms ( unsigned long long val)

Degrees-minutes-seconds literal operator converts a value to radians

◆ operator""_ftUS() [1/2]

double operator""_ftUS ( long double ftus)

US survey foot literal operator converts a value in US survey feet to meters

◆ operator""_ftUS() [2/2]

double operator""_ftUS ( unsigned long long ftus)

US survey foot literal operator converts a value in US survey feet to meters

◆ operator""_mas() [1/2]

double operator""_mas ( long double mas)

Milli-arcseconds literal operator converts a value in thousandth of arc-seconds to radians

◆ operator""_mas() [2/2]

double operator""_mas ( unsigned long long mas)

Milli-arcseconds literal operator converts a value in thousandth of arc-seconds to radians

◆ operator""_nmi() [1/2]

double operator""_nmi ( long double nmi)

Nautical miles literal operator converts a value in nautical miles to meters

◆ operator""_nmi() [2/2]

double operator""_nmi ( unsigned long long nmi)

Nautical miles literal operator converts a value in nautical miles to meters